If you are looking for corporate gifts, items for a special event or custom items to use for promotion we got you covered. We can even apply your company sticker to the item or include your company branded item into the gift basket.
The pictures below are some examples of what companies had done in the past. We also do custom baskets. So if you want a baskets at a specific price point, email [email protected] and we can make some up for you.
Corporate order discounts begin at $500.00 min order. For any questions or custom quote please email [email protected]

1lb size box filled with our most popular items $29.99
Perfect for any occasion.

Small gift basket $32.57
Basket contains 3 dipped pretzel rods, 6 dipped Oreo cookies, a chocolate fudge block and 2 chocolate dipped Graham crackers. Packaged in a red container includes stuffing container, wrap and bow.

Popular box $32.25
Our popular box contains a milk chocolate toffee, a fudge block no nuts and 6 dipped Oreo cookies. So simple and perfect for small corporate teams or the person who helps you out with EVERYTHING all year.

Medium gift basket $71.99
It contains toffee, candied orange peels, 3 fudge blocks (assorted flavors), 6 dipped Oreo cookies, 8 dipped pretzel rods. Perfect for the front office or doctor office.

Dipped Oreo cookie tin $31.99
So simple and so good! 24 dipped Oreos in a festive red cookie tin.

Deluxe Carmel box $26.99
Dark chocolate caramels, dark chocolate salted caramels and dark chocolate pecan caramels wrapped up with a bow. Perfect for that receptionist or that person who is so helpful to everyone.